Dear Audience, Fans & Friends-Please, Enjoy The Latest Video by God ART Universe & Global APP Network: ORPHEUS of SEUTHOPOLIS-The Sacred Creation-Year of 2022-The Official Movie-4K-UHD. Original Logos, Artworks, and Motion Picture by Daniel M. Tringov, Founder and CEO. All Rights Reserved!
Dear International Audience & Fanbase, Dear Prospective Members All Over The World: The Future of Entertainment Has Been Delivered Specially and Personally to YOU! God ART Universe is The Only Complete Platform on The Planet EARTH, Created to Join and Distinguish The ART Ventures and to Promote All Great and Creative Initiatives-Supporting, Assisting, Encouraging & Connecting the Artists and Their Audience-Worldwide! Today, July The 1st, 2022, we Proudly Present the Official Promotional Video, featuring the Final Outlook and the Original Concept of Global APP Network 2022: "The Virtual Reality World-2022" Thank You for Joining This Awesome, One of a Kind Platform, and, Please: Enjoy The Best Entertainment Experience in The World!! Daniel M. Tringov, Author and Producer-Founder and CEO of Deutsche Classical, , God ART Universe, , Global APP Network, , and Global ART Entertainment VIP Platforms. All Rights Reserved!!! Published on July 1st, 2022, Kazanlak, Bulgaria, EU.
Intuitive information received from Ina Mai Djar - philosopher, teacher and coach, master of Feng Shui and Yi Jing, author of Vritra (Bulgarian Feng Shui) and founder of Mai Jar Academy:
"The Year of the Water Tiger - 2022 is very strong, with extremely dynamic processes locally and globally. Therefore, I had prepared myself rightfully for the Summer Solstice. I was just looking forward to the invitation. And it came right after May 24. The mystery started from Malko Tarnovo, from the museum, where I was allowed to connect with the Gods of this land.
The very next day I was invited to visit the sanctuary of the "Deaf Stones" (the Ringing Stones), in the Eastern Rhodopes, between Lyubimets and Svilengrad. But the forces did not let me go there immediately.
I knew it was something special and I started to prepare: “trimiren” (fasting), meditation, watching videos, gathering information and of course I got in close contact with the guardians of the Sanctuary - a wonderful family.
I wanted to take a group, but they only let Me in. The guides welcomed me, and I toured 9 sacred sites in 24 hours. At each one, I received a piece of the truth of the events to come. The finale was in two parts: at Paleokastro, the sanctuary of the Sun (we met him on the morning of 21.07.22).
After which it was off on a pilgrimage to the Holy City (my definition of the "Deaf Stones") of the Thracians and their distant ancestors.
From the moment I set foot on sacred ground, I knew I would receive extraordinary information. My guide suggested I contact the spirits of the Earth. I don't want to describe the place; it has to be experienced. I saw a tall man with long hair bandaged across his forehead. I already knew who he was and why he was in this place. It was Orpheus, and the sanctuary was the natural conservatory, the temple under the sky with the dozens of rock instruments. The shrine knew his footsteps. This was the actual Orpheus, who because of his antiquity had become part of the mythology of the Gods.
During the ritual of gratitude to our land and to our ancestors (my reading, received intuitively) I was given information about the place and importance of Orpheus in our traditions and culture. I was told that in addition to the historical Orpheus, throughout the ages artists of his stature have been born and called by the same name. They lived not only in the Rhodopes, but also in places where there were Thracian kingdoms. And then, at that moment, a great tree-like structure took shape whose roots were not visible, but I knew that they descended to antiquity. The mighty trunk leaned into the sky, the huge crown meeting the winds of space.
It was the Tree of Orpheus! And I knew one of its newest branches, born in the capital of the Odrysian Kingdom, Seuthopolis. The city has long been under the waters of the dam, but it had its successor - Kazanlak. In front of my inner gaze stood an incredible violinist, born in this city, who together with his beloved Sifei, an amazing cellist, performed a unique three-hour concert on June 5 - the Rose Festival.
The circle has become a Full Circle. Daniel M. Tringov - Orpheus of Seuthopolis returned to the kingdom of his ancestors!”
Ina Mai Djar is a Very Special Person: she is a philosopher, teacher and coach, master of Feng Shui and Yi Jing, author of Vritra (Bulgarian Feng Shui) and founder of Mai Jar Academy. She also paints and many exclusive private collections consist of her true Masterpieces. A spiritual leader and great friend, she is one of a kind human being . For more info-please-click the button below, in order to connect with Ina:
На вашето внимание: Една специална творба, създадена на специално място, по специален начин и за специални хора-Ина Май Джар: "СЪРЦЕТО НА РОЗАТА ПРОСВЕТВА В ДЪРВОТО НА ЛЮБОВТА" - 50x70 см., акрилни бои върху платно, 3-ти Юни, 2023 г. Посланието на Авторката: "ДЪРВЕСЕН БАРС" - огромна сила и внезапни промени. Глаголичките са "Ща" и "Ферт" - Бъдещето е силна енигма! Нека всички се насладим заедно на изяществото и да усетим магията на изкуството с ИНА! Здраве, Мир и Любов!!!
For your attention: a special work, created in a special place, in a special way and for special people - Ina Mai Djar: "THE HEART OF THE ROSE GLOWS IN THE TREE OF LOVE" - 50x70 cm., acrylic paint on canvas, June 3rd, 2023. The Author's Message: WOOD BARS - tremendous power and sudden changes. The verbs are " Shta" and "Fert" - The future is a strong enigma! Let's all enjoy the exquisiteness together and experience the magic of ART with INA! Health, Peace and Love!!!
Благодарим ВИ за Вниманието и Подкрепата Предварително! Нашата Кауза е Светла и Свята, а Основната ни Цел е: Да се Възродят и Популяризират Изкуството и Културата в Любимият ни Град Казанлък, за да го Поставим ОТНОВО на Световната Карта ТАКА, както Заслужава!!! Това е Нашата Банкова Сметка в Лева (BGN) BG49 BPBI 7935 1060 2660 01
Thank you for your attention and support in advance! Our Cause is Bright and Sacred, and our Main Goal is: To Revive and Promote the Art and Culture in our Beloved City of Kazanlak, in order to Put It Back on the World Map the Way It Deserves!!! This is Our Bank Account in Leva (BGN) BG49 BPBI 7935 1060 2660 01
Аз съм Даниел Минчев Трингов, гражданин на Гр. Казанлък - Цигулар, Медиен Продуцент, Предприемач, Управител и Собственик на Отворена Фондация в Подкрепа на Изкуствата: Глобъл АРТ Ентъртейнмънт. Щастлив съм да отговорям лично на всички ваши въпроси!
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